Suggested Topics
- #Metoo campaign
- Is India ready for cashless Economy?
- Mars Mission for India Justified?
- Banking Scams
- Social media:Impact on human behavior and society
- Retirement Homes: Do advantages of living in them outweigh the disadvantages?
- Making Aadhar mandatory is not a good idea
- Cashless economy: is India ready
- Man on Moon or Food for Man.
- E-commerce discounts are harmful in long run
- Should India host Olympics 2020
- Are services like OLA and Uber taking the share of autowalas
- Gender bias in portraying women in advertisements
- News channels - breaking rules to give breaking news.
- Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising
- Should National Highways be made toll free
- Is the duty of the opposition party only to oppose
- Do films create a social evil
- Alcohol is affecting the corporate sector / company
- Package shouldn't be the sole criteria while deciding a job
- Are women better managers than men?
- Shahrukh Khan: Brilliant Actor or Marketing Guru
- A common currency for Asia. Is it possible
- My generation vs. my parents generation
- There is always a tomorrow
- Borderless world – a myth/reality
- Kiki challenge - entertainment kick or stupidity
- Patriotism – what does it mean to me?
- My responsibility towards my nation.
- The worries and hope of youth.
- In the name of modernity are we deviating from our roots?
- Good is the enemy of great.
- Building a peaceful world full of hope and love.
- Happiness of self and others.
- Watch your thoughts they become your destiny.
- The need to express our gratitude towards our parents and teachers
- Perseverance with positive attitude.
- Reading begets ideas, ideas begets success.
- Those who continue learning are the victors of life.
- Dreams are the key to unlock brilliant future.
- Peer pressure- How to handle it well?
- Friendship and it’s positive impact.
- Let’s SAY No to BULLYING
- How not to get addicted to phone?
- Managing addiction in adolescence.
- The power of staying positive.
- My role model- adding meaning to my life?
- How can we generate more interest in studies?
- How can the children effectively handle anger and ego?
- The mantra for leading a joyful and balanced life.
- Moderation is the key – excess of everything is bad.
- Do good to feel good.
- Developing self into citizens of outstanding character.
- Wisdom compassion and courage – key to a fulfilling life
- A teacher who touched my heart.
- What does success mean to me?
- In the rat race of riches are we compromising on our values?
- Making India a world leader.
- To exercise my rights I must first perform my duties.